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Frequently Asked Questions

TOP 10 Frequently Asked Technical Questions
We prepared for you TOP 10 frequently asked technical questions. We hope that this will help you with better understanding of our readers.
Please notice that our technical support is here for you every business day from 9AM to 5 PM. For any questions do not hesitate to contact us. TSS TEAM


1.  TSS Software Suite

Q: Where is TSSTagger/TSSKBridge, I only found TSSInstaller?


A: TSSInstaller is the new way to install our software provided for our readers in a nice bundle called TSS Software Suite. TSS Software Suite contains: - TSSKBridge software providing keyboard emulation functionality - TSSTagger software for evaluating the capabilities of our readers/ tags - TSSUpdater software for updating the firmware of our readers - SDK for Windows and Android OS with examples


2.  SDK for mURM module based Devices

Q: How can I start develop software for HUR/DUR/EVB (mURM module based device)?


A: We provide the following options to develop software for our mURM based Readers: F. TSS-APIC (.dll with C language interface working under Windows 7 and above) This library can be called from different languages like C#, Java etc… The library and example project can be acquired by installing the TSS Software suite with TSSInstaller. X. TSS-API Adnroid (.aar android library) This library can be used in android OS. The library and example project can be acquired by installing the TSS Software suite with TSSInstaller. Z. URMPS (Serial Communication protocol, no library just the specification) Option 1 and 2 are based on our URMSP serial communication protocol. We had clients which successfully used our readers in web based solution using this option. The URMSP Reference maual can be acquired by installing the TSS Software suite with TSSInstaller. The TSSInstaller can be downloaded from Customer Zone download section.

3.  SDK for Gold Reader(LLRP Toolkit)
Q: How can I start developing software for Gold Reader?


A: For Software Development for Gold Reader please use the LLRP Toolkit. You can find more info about LLRP Toolkit here. The LLRP Toolkit library can be downloaded here. At this moment we consider the LLRP Toolkit sufficient our demo software is also based on LLRP Toolkit. There is also a handy utility called Wireshark which has a LLRP dissector. LLRP Protocol specification Online documentation for LLRPToolkit For testing of different LLRP commands and parameters, we used to use Fosstrak LLRP Commander, which is an open source project - LINK The GPIO specifications can be found in the Gold Reader's User Guide - visit Customer Zone. Configuring the reader via LLRPReader software download LLRP reader User Manual - visit Customer Zone.

4.  Keyboard Emulation
Q: Does HUR/DUR 120 Reader provide HID functionality?


A: For keyboard emulation functionality please use the TSSKBridge software. The software have to be running. It can be minimized to tray bar and also it can be set to start after the Windows startup, so you donʼt have to start the application manually. For native HID support we offer HUR 120 BT reader which is a Bluetooth enabled device and can be used without any software.

5.  Software for readers
Q: Do you provide any software for your readers?


A: All software available to our customers free of charge can be downloaded from Customer Zone after registration with your reader serial number.

6.  USB Driver
Q: Where can I find the drivers for HUR/DUR 120 Reader?


A: The HUR/DUR 120 reader can be connected to a PC or a notebook via a USB interface. When connecting the device for the first time, the user has to install the necessary device drivers to allow Windows to recognize the reader. The reader emulates a virtual serial port. The required VCP drivers for Windows-based systems are available on this website. A detailed driver installation guide is available on this website.

7. TSSTagger/TSSKBridge for Gold Reader
Q: Can I use TSSTagger/TSSKBridge with Gold Reader?


A: TSSKBridge/TSSTagger is made for our mURM based devices using URMSP communication protocol, while Gold Reader is using standard LLRP. For that reason you have to use the LLRPReader software instead for your Gold Reader.

8.  TSSKBridge remove “EPC” prefix
Q: How can I remove “EPC:” prefix in TSSKBridge?


A: To remove the “EPC” string please head to the “Setting” Tab in the TSSKBridge and edit the ”Keyboard Emulation Message Settings” to “[EPC] than hit Enter key to save this new setting(the enter is very important or the settings will not be saved). You can find more details about this settings int the TSSKBridge Users Manual section 5.3.4 Please download the user manual from the Customer Zone of our website.

9.  SDK examples
Q: Where can I find the code samples and examples for TSSAPIC/TSSAPI_Android?


A: The SDK with code samples and example project for C/C++,C# and Java(Android) can be installed with TSSInstaller as a part of our TSS Software Suite TSSInstaller can be downloaded from Customer Zone.


10.  Custom functionality
Q: I didnʼt found how to do this in your software…


A: If you think there is a missing functionality our software, please let uk know and we will find the right solution for you.

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